09 May 2005

eBay and its idiot users

The great thing about eBay is its ability to equalize people -- apparently to the same level of stupidity.

As shown here, some doofus is willing to pay over $15K for a piece of toast that some other doofus carved with a stupid picture on it.

Yep, no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people.

OK, maybe the toast-carver can now go back to his/her/its previous life. Your 7 days of fame are up, stooge. The actual purchaser (who simply should never be allowed to vote or drive) will now take over.

Everyone goes away happy.

Except for the panting press, which will probably follow this until someone eats the piece of toast.

Can you imagine how moronic these lines will sound in 50 years -- "Yes dear, your grandfather was the one that bought the toast. No dear, he didn't actually leave us an inheritance. Yes dear, you have some of his DNA."


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