13 September 2005

Health, Heaven

I said when I started this second blog that I wouldn't do much in the way of personal information. My rationale is the same now as it was -- the Web is just too weird of a "community." That was confirmed to me when I noticed a blog entry with a spam comment attached to it. What possible value could that be? In any case, I don't (repeat: DON'T) support any wackoid that feels it's necessary to spam a blog... moron.

Having said that, it's been a rough patch recently, with both my mother and mother-in-law encountering health problems. I believe in the power of additive prayer, so if you wander across this, and are so inclined, a few words to the Power That Is would be much appreciated.

Recently, I've pondered the question that always gets asked on the "Inside the Actor's Studio" show, namely what the person wants to hear God say when they get to Heaven.

For me, I'd like to hear "Bet you're surprised I'm a dog, huh?" It'd be sweet to know that all of the love I've given and spoiling I'd done of dogs wasn't wasted. Who knows? Maybe it'd be enough to tip the scales and get me in.

Almost forgot (again)...


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